Privately owned pet tigers and other big cats (lions, cougars, mountain
lions, and leopards) are an obscure reality, yet their true presence is
wildly exaggerated by special interest groups and the news media. While
many exotic pets have tremendous popularity, big cats, for obvious
reasons, are not commonly kept. Due to the negligence of a few, the few
true owners of ‘pet’ big cats frequently make headlines and bans are
prompted of other exotic animals that are of little or no danger to
people beyond a cat or dog. The reason may be that the public views the
idea of a ‘backyard tiger’, which is a tiger maintained in a
non-professional zoo-like setting, with disdain, but not all so-called
backyards (or owners) are equivalent. There are reasonable ways to bring
about the proper husbandry of big cats, as long as the owner’s
lifestyle fits specific criteria without exception.
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